Thursday, 31 January 2019

Skip Bin Hire in Melbourne for Valentines Day 2019

Dear Customers

With only two weeks away from Valentines Day 2019 - we are getting excited with all the projects our customers are getting involved in around their houses in order to surprise their partners with something special such as:
  • de-cluttering of your garage
  • clearing up of the back yard, to create that special place for a raised garden 
  • clearing the space on your patio to create an entertainment area
  • cleaning up your cupboards of all the junk and creating much needed space
  • de-cluttering your home office area in order to create a free flowing open working space for your office
  • re-organising your kids bedrooms by taking out old, unused clothing, old broken or unused toys and all the other junk, which has just been accumulating there for years
  • re-organising your garden area, getting rid of broken pots, unused boulders, which no longer give you joy, getting rid of excess soil or overgrown vegetation 
  • clearing your basement or guest room, to create a man's cave for your partner or a sawing / art space for your partner.

We get very excited to be part of your project and no matter what you've set out to do  - we've got the right size and design skip bin to suit your project.  With all the above projects - there will be rubbish to be thrown away and in order to avoid double handling, we suggest to organise a skip bin, so that by the time you get to your de-cluttering or re-organising your space - the bin will be already in your driveway, ready for all the junk that you no longer need in your life.

For an immediate online quote for a skip bin in Melbourne, please refer to our website.

With only two weeks left until Valentines Day - if you are going ahead with your surprise for your partner - the time to act is now!  Our friendly customer service team is ready for you to book and dispatch the skip bin to your projects address.  If you are a type of person who prefers to discuss your project or bin requirements over the phone - we are here to take your calls in Melbourne, Monday to Saturay on 1300 605 624!
If you have any other interesting suggestions on surprising your partner for Valentines Day with the projects around your house or garden, please post them in the comments, we would love to read them!