Moving House In January and Need to Get Rid of all the Rubbish Before Your Big Move?
January is traditionally the busiest time of the year for Australian Families to move their home. There seem to be more instances of our fellow Melbournians moving homes in January then in any other month of the year.
One of the reasons that happens is because many people take holidays from work in January, to spend some quality time with their kids and that allows them the time to pack and prepare for the big move.
Another reason for people to try and complete the moving and settling into a new home in January is so that by the start of the new school year - the families can settle in the new home, unpack, get their kids uniforms ready and find their lunch boxes, so that the kids and parents can start a new school year in somewhat organised fashion and try to avoid the chaos of moving and unpacking.
One of the biggest challenges during organising a move of the house is clearing the clutter and deciding what to take and what not to take into the new home. This challenge also can be looked at as an opportunity to "lighten your load" and a chance to review your items and de-clutter, so that your move is lighter and you will start your life in the new home with only the things you need and not the things that you might potentially need in the future, but most likely not.
One of the tedious places to sort for most families is the clutter in the garage. Particularly if you are used to use your garage for storage of various items, which you were not ready to throw out, yet have no immediate or foreseeable use for. As a general rule and drawing from the personal experience of moving various houses with the 3 kids in tow, if you haven't used the items in the last 12 months, most likely you will not be using them in the future. This generally applies to clothing, please keep in mind that in the 12 months you've gone through all the seasons and if you haven't required that clothing in the whole year, chances are - you will not be missing them in the future either.
Another area to consider is your childrens' toys. In particular 1000's pieces of Leggo, which your kids might never attempt to put together again. It is a good idea to engage your kids and go through the toy box together and honestly decide what is age appropriate and whether you need to be spending an extra hourly rate on the removalists to load the items into the truck and then off-load on another end if these items will never be used again.
Perhaps try considering a garage sale or Facebook Market Place to off-load items of furniture, toys, unnecessary stuff, which serves no more purpose and just creates clutter.
If you are not into garage sales or have pure rubbish, which is of no value to anyone else, the situation will call for the
Hire of a Skip Bin, which will also allow you to not double handle the items and everything that will not be adding value in your new house - can be straight away chucked into the bin and leave only the useful items in your house, which you'll be ready to pack with confidence.
Last piece of advise - "if in doubt - throw out" and save yourself packing and unpacking time by leaving the rubbish and junk behind and only taking memories and useful stuff into the new home!